
Reference No:
C DPF/24/761
8 Jul 1907

Ship No. 121070 Name. Asia Letter & No. H829 Owner. Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. Alfred Mason 2nd Hand. W Foulds Bswn. G A Milestone AB. J Holness AB. A E Key

Official Log. Thursday February 20th. Sighted steamer Arkansas with flag signals flying. Laid by him at 1pm blowing a gale. When we went to him he pulled down flags. Friday February 22nd still blowing gale but launched our boat and three of our crew went to him, but boat overturned alongside. Two of our men were rescued by the steamer with lines & the other who clung to boat was picked up by the ST Alonzo of Hull. Saturday at 2pm got his warp by means of a rope floated to us by a fender. Commenced towing at 2.30pm. Set course for Humber, strong head wind. Arrived Grimsby Roads about 1pm Monday 25th, and left him at anchor in safety. Arrived St Andrews Dock at 3pm.

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