Sea Lion

Reference No:
C DPF/25/442
31 Aug 1908

Ship No. 113635 Name. Sea Lion Letter & No. H542 Owner. Christopher Pickering Skipper. William Albert Coxall / W Lumley / W Harrison 2nd Hand. W Ellis Bswn. R Rodgers 3rd Hand. W Jenkinson 4th Hand. T Hale

Record of Death or Injury.

18/1/08 J Hale 4th hand. Bruised arm. Warp slipped off bollard while heaving trawl board on board.

23/2/08 North Atlantic. F Starkings age 17 4th hand. Killed by a sea.


I certify that an inquest was held on the body of F Starkings by the Hull City Coroner, when a verdict of Accidental Death was returned, and further that I am satisfied the report of the circumstances attending the death , which are given on page 15 are correct & true, and that further investigation is unnecessary.

Record of Casualty.

23/2/08 North Atlantic. Boat smashed & mizen boom broke. Vessel shipped a heavy sea.

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