North King

Reference No:
C DPF/25/693
21 Sep 1908

Ship No. 123254 Name. North King Letter & No. H882 Owner. J H Robins Skipper. William Zoller / C Hodson 2nd Hand. A Nielsen Bswn. R Modler 3rd Hand. J Ridley 4th Hand. C Freeman

Record of Casualty.

26/1/08 River Humber. Damage to our port quarter. Collision with a steamer ( name & nationality unknown ) . Through him showing both his riding & anchor lighhts when being about to get under way. 20/2/08. About 20 keel plates damaged and our small boat ( which was launched ) sunk through a leakage. Vessel stranded but was towed off by the Hull trawler Tokio about 12 hours later.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns