
Reference No:
C DPF/25/698
17 Aug 1908

Ship No. 123259 Name. Hero Letter & No. H886 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. Horace Walter Bristow 2nd Hand. C Catchpole Bswn. W Mudd 3rd Hand. J Farnsworth 4th Hand. S C Barlow

Record of Casualty.

North Sea 11/4/08. Collision causing damage to one plate on our starboard side. SS Angus shooting gear on 11th April 1908 swung round into us.

Official Log. I report the repeated refusal to obey a lawful command of J Powdrill, cook, on the 26th January 1908 and also of abuse. After the above, using threatening language to me also wilfully, maliciously and wantonly destroying my navigating instruments :viz:- sextant binoculars and watch.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns