
Reference No:
C DPF/25/754
30 Sep 1908

Ship No. 124742 Name. Cicero Letter & No. H931 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. G West / C Foster 2nd Hand. A Cockroft Bswn. W J Nicholls 3rd Hand. F BRaithwaite 4th Hand. F Block

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

29/6/08 North Sea. G Howlett deck hand, illtreated by Charles Foster skipper. Struck him once in the face with the back of my hand for being insolent, and then gave him a good shaking for threatening me with a shovel.


For the illtreatment referred to above. Skipper Charles Foster was summoned at the Hull City Police Court on Monday August 31st, at the instance of the Board of Trade for molesting George William Howlett the deck hand, and being convicted was fined 3.10/- including costs & ordered to pay solicitors fees, or in default 30 days imprisonment.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns