Prince Consort

Reference No:
C DPF/26/51
20 Sep 1909

Ship No. 98702 Name. Prince Consort Letter & No. H106 Owner. Christopher Pickering Skipper. Ashley Farrow / A J Manthorpe / J W Bland 2nd Hand. W Ellis Bswn. H Powell 3rd Hand. A Russell 4th Hand. W Starkins

Record of Death or Injury.

28/1/09 River Humber. Harry Powell boatswain. Lacerated finger end ( 1st finger on right hand ) Whilst assisting to get anchor out jammed finger between lashing & anchor.

21/4/09 W Starkins, deck hand. Pricked middle finger of right hand with a fish bone causing blood poison.

23/4/09. R Scherrmacker, chief engineer. Gauge glass burst injuring his left eye & cutting his face.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns