
Reference No:
C DPF/26/640
22 Sep 1909

Ship No. 128120 Name. Macfarlane Letter & No. H997 Owner. John Robinson Skipper. N K Nielsen 2nd Hand. J Atkin Bswn. W Kuster 3rd Hand. Pennycad 4th Hand. W Lake

Apprentices on Board.

Arthur Nielsen - Spare Hand joined 12//5/09 promoted to Deck Hand 9/6/09.

Official Log.

London 8th June 1909. A Jacobsen 3rd hand deliberately refused to turn out of his bunkand start work along with the remainder of the crew, when ordered by me in the presence of the mate, this morning.

On Friday June 11th at Hull, the above was convicted on a charge of disobedience to lawful command on the 8th when in London and was fined 50/- & to forfeit 2 days pay or in default 21 days imprisonment.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns