
Reference No:
C DPF/27/260
10 Feb 1910

Ship No. 105058 Name. Argonaut Letter & No. H291 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. A Land 2nd Hand. F Balls Bswn. R Wright 3rd Hand. S Arrand 4th Hand. E Chalmers

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

25/10/09 River Humber. T Revell illtreated by G Shaw. Knocked him down & then kicked him about the body.

Official Log.

G Shaw, deck hand refused duty when in the River Humber at about 4pm yesterday ( October 25th ) by refusing to put up the side lights when ordered to do so by me, and further deliberately throwing overboard the port side light, at the same time saying as he did so There's your F- light. An hour later he also committed a further offence by severely asaulting the chief engineer in the presence of the 2nd hand. ( See report on page 16 hereof see also above )

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns