Golden Crown

Reference No:
C DPF/27/300
18 Feb 1910

Ship No. 106711 Name. Golden Crown Letter & No. H330 Owner. Thomas George Segrave Skipper. George Mann 2nd Hand. H W Johnson Deck Hand. F Armes Deck Hand. J W Mulholland Cabin Boy. Joseph Inman

Certificates. Certified that G M Stewart cook & steward, J Inman cabin boy, J W Heall 2nd eng., G Woodhead & C Watkins Fireman & trimmers, A Flanders Pilot, & G W Smith asst. pilot have been discharged in accordance with the terms of their agreeement.

Official Log. Mulholland - advance note 6. Cash advanced 15/= Joseph Inman advance note 1/5/0 Certified that the within named G Mawe, H Johnson, F Armes, C Haselden have been paid their wages at this port up to the 31st December 1909. Final settlement will be made on their arrival in the United Kingdom.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns