
Reference No:
C DPF/27/32
12 Jan 1910

Ship No. 91982 Name. Columbia Letter & No. H42 Owner. Henry E Drew Skipper. T J Collins / J T Collins 2nd Hand. S Howson Bswn. H Haggis AB. John Bettles AB. R Hale

Record of Death or Injury. 26/10/09 at sea. G T Blanshard, ( also entered at Blanchard ) steward. Lost overboard and drowned at sea.

Certificates. I hereby certify that I have enquired into the circumstances attending the death of the above mentioned seaman, & am satisfied that no further inquiry is necessary.

Official Log.

G F Blanshard steward lost overboard 26/10/1909 he was called as usual at 5am and served coffee to the engineers & deck watch at 6am shortly after they brought their pots back to the galley and he was alright, then stood in the galley smoking and nobody saw him after or knows how it happened, the ship was laid at the time but there was a fine breeze and a heavy swell running.

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