
Reference No:
C DPF/27/572
26 Aug 1910

Ship No. 121048 Name. Gamecock Letter & No. H810 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. James Lewis 2nd Hand. R Webb / D Vickers / J Lewis Bswn. H Holmes 3rd Hand. R Pallas

Apprentices on Board.

T Carey - Deck Hand T Richards - Spare Hand transferred to Ibis.

Official Log.

On the 24th February 1910 about 5.30pm we sighted a vessel flying signals for assistance. We steamed to him & found him to be the Dalmation (Trawler) No.83 of Boston. He asked us to tow him to port as his stern shaft was broken, we was then 220 miles NE by E from Spurn. We took him in tow about 7pm on the 24th February and arrived in Hull on Sunday February 27th at 6am.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns