
Reference No:
C DPF/27/99
19 Jul 1910

Ship No. 98708 Name. Hornet Letter & No. H113 Owner. J H Robins Skipper. William Arthur Jefferson / J T Coultas / T Cammish / Jacob Cowling 2nd Hand. J Wilson Bswn. W Johnson 3rd Hand. R Wooldridge 4th Hand. J Wilson

Record of Death or Injury.

7/2/10 W Peacham boatswain. Pricked 2 fingers on left hand with wire warp. Blood poisoning set in.

Official Log.

Scarboro Pier 5/4/10. Vessel was lying at the pier alongside the Steam Trawler Ampere. The skipper John Thomas Coultas was engaged in roping out a trawl, while doing so his foot slipped and to save himself from falling he put out his left arm over the rail, and at the same moment the two vessels came together with the result that the fore part of his arm was crushed. No bones broken, Coultas walked ashore to the hospital and had his arm dressed.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns