
Reference No:
C DPF/28/102
31 Aug 1911

Ship No. 98720 Name. Bombay Letter & No. H124 Owner. J Vivian Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. A Cockroft 2nd Hand. W Jones Bswn. Willilam Rodgers 3rd Hand. J W Harris 4th Hand. Kirk

Record of Death or Injury.

23/1/1911 J W Harris 3rd hand. Poisoned thumb. Thumb of right hand pricked by a wire.

9/3/1911 Thomas Holness boatswain. Bad knees, cause not known not an accident.

15/4/1911 North Sea. S Gasson boatswain. Right foot injured by after trawl board.

Record of Casualty. 14/5/11 River Humber. Damaged bulwark plates on port side. Collided with lower W middle buoy whilst coming up the river.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns