
Reference No:
C DPF/28/32
Jul 1911

Ship No. 91982 Name. Columbia Letter & No. H42 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. Charles William Brown 2nd Hand. George Noel Bswn. John Bettles AB. Albert Kingdom AB. W Lawrence

Record of Death or Injury. June 6th 1911 North Sea. George Wilson fireman. Finger end taken off whilst engaged cleaning.

Official Log. April 28th 1911. On leaving Billingsgate market London about 12.40. J Stephens AB who was mad drunk, struck the boatswain J Bettles, and challenged all the men on deck to fight and used very disgusting language to me. He interfered so much with the navigation of the ship that it was dangerous to be navigating on the River with him on deck, so I called the assistance of the police boat and had him removed out of the ship at Wapping Police Station.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns