
Reference No:
C DPF/28/54
19 Jan 1911

Ship No. 105911 Name. Cevic Letter & No. H76 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. George Richards / T Nicholson / J Gallant / W Turner 2nd Hand. W H Willey Bswn. H Scott 3rd Hand. H Carr 4th Hand. Charles L Whitehouse

Record of Death or Injury.

December 17th 1910 at sea. F Lewis, mate. ST Cevic left Hull 12th December passed Spurn 5pm all well, til the 17th, whilst boarding the mate died suddenly onboard cutter Hawk.

Certificates. I certify that an inquest was held December 19th at Hull touching the death of F Lewis, when a verdict was returned of death from natural causes due to Valvulae disease of the heart. I therefore consider further enquiry unnecessary.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns