
Reference No:
C DPF/28/761
19 Jan 1911

Ship No. 124797 Name. Botanic Letter & No. H967 Owner. J A Laverack Skipper. J Ingle 2nd Hand. J W Sayer Bswn. J Neadley 3rd Hand. W Bowman 4th Hand. T Hemmings

Record of Death or Injury. 27th December 1910 off coast of Norway. C Veje, skipper - drowned consequent on vessels stranding. J Storgard - 2nd hand - killed, presumably by a sea as a result of vessels stranding. Peter Nielsen boatswain, J Smith spare hand, & R H Smith trimmer - Drowned, consequent on vessels stranding.

Record of Casualty. As above, vessel stranded on the rock and has since become a total wreck. Blinding snow storm.


I certify that after enquiry, I am satisfied that the particulars given on page 14, with respect to the loss of the skipper & 4 members of the crew are correct & true.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns