
Reference No:
C DPF/28/782
30 Aug 1911

Ship No. 128120 Name. Macfarlane Letter & No. H997 Owner. John Robinson Skipper. N K Nielsen / E Johnson 2nd Hand. J Catchpole Bswn. J Johnston 3rd Hand. W Laming 4th Hand. R Bernharzig

Memoranda by Skipper.

A Nielsen - Fisherman Certificates. For the offence of drunkeness referred to below W Kuster boatswain has this day been fine 5/- under Regulation 5 for maintaining discipline which amount has been paid to the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine at Hull by me this 18th April 1911. Owing to his previous & subsequent good conduct I have no intention of proceeding against him for disobedience to lawful commands.

Official Log.

31/3/11 Left dock at 7.15am soon after boatswain W Kuster was told to baten down the hatches and never took any notice of my orders. Half an hour later the order was repeated to him and he still took no notice. Half an hour after I again repeated my orders but found him intoxicated and incapable of doing his work. This was read over to the boatswain in the presence of us and he refused to sign.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns