
Reference No:
C DPF/29/343
5 Feb 1912

Ship No. 106755 Name. Ebor Letter & No. H360 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. Samuel Hall Bswn. W Platts 3rd Hand. J Rowland 4th Hand. James Golden

Record of Death or Injury. 10/12/11 North Sea. G Smith, boatswain. Hurt ribs by slipping on fish box.

Record of Casualty. 3/10/1911 North Sea. No damage to our vessel. Slight damage to SS Editor of Hull. Our vessels wheel gear jammed causing us to strike the Editor on her starboard bow.

Official Log. 9/1/12. Whilst boarding, operating and lying too of the cutter, waiting for our boat. The SS Elm drew alongside striking us on our starboard quarter . Slight damage.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns