Princess Louise

Reference No:
C DPF/29/684
25 Jul 1912

Ship No. 121084 Name. Princess Louise Letter & No. H837 Owner. George Thomas Armitage Skipper. J C Turner / G Ware 2nd Hand. S Turner Bswn. A E Wingfield 3rd Hand. E Andersen 4th Hand. J Marshall

Official Log.

February 15th 3am I charge the 3rd hand E Williams with subordination in front of the crew.

February 16th I charge the 3rd hand with going below without my consent.

February 16th 1.30pm the 3rd hand said he was going below again he would make a job of it saying he head finished in front of the crew while he was getting the trawl overboard.


I am informed by the skipper (J C Turner) that no proceedings have been, or will be taken against E Williams for the offences mentioned below.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns