
Reference No:
C DPF/29/719
24 Jan 1912

Ship No. 123218 Name. Eske Letter & No. H859 Owner. James Henry Collinson Skipper. William McFee 2nd Hand. G Fisher Bswn. J Lilley 3rd Hand. C Owen 4th Hand. C Sargeson

Record of Death or Injury.

17/12/11 at Sea. Hugh McKay, fisherman. Sudden death due to shock. Inquest at Hull on 22/12/11. Verdict:- Accidental death ( Medical evidence shows he had an ulcerated stomach)

Certificates. I certify that an inquest was held at Hull on Hugh MacKay on the 22nd December 1911 and a verdict of accidental death returned, and that having particulars on forms Inq. 7& B & D1. I am of the opinion that no further enquiry is necessary.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns