British Empire

Reference No:
C DPF/29/782
24 Jan 1912

Ship No. 123285 Name. British Empire Letter & No. H908 Owner. E B Cargill Skipper. S Hewitt / A Byron / B Hume 2nd Hand. F Fisher Bswn. F Robinson 3rd Hand. J Hewitt 4th Hand. D Dransfield

Record of Death or Injury. 26/7/1911 S Brooks, cook. Pricked 3rd finger of right hand with a fish bone causing blood poisoning.

Official Log.

On the 1/11/1911 William Johnson 3rd hand was left at [?] unwell, and came onboard on the 16/11/1911 and did his work until we arrived at Hull on 21/11/1911.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns