
Reference No:
C DPF/29/835
20 Feb 1912

Ship No. 124782 Name. Tokio Letter & No. H954 Owner. Christopher Pickering Skipper. Jasper / Jesper Anderson / William Brumby 2nd Hand. F Norton Bswn. Hy Clarke 3rd Hand. C Ball 4th Hand. F Allon

Record of Death or Injury. 30/8/11 Iceland. T C Smith, mate. Certificate as Skipper No. 4490. Found dead in his berth. Cause unknown.

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment. 10/1/1912 at Sea. J Warder illtreated by C Pratt. Struck by a blow, face disfigured. No proceedings were taken in this case and fine under Regulation 3 not enforced.

Certificates. I certify that an inquest was held by the Hull City Coroner touching the death of T C Smith (2nd hand) where a verdict was returned of death from natural causes due to Pneumonia - in accordance with the medical testimony I therefore consider further enquiry unnecessary.

Official Log. This log is to certify that on August 30th at 12 noon, I was instructed by the cook to come to the cabin as there was something wrong with the mate. When I went to his berth , found the said mate , T C Smith was dead. The man had never complained of being poorly, but turned into his berth to sleep, and jolly and hearty as any of the other crew, never made any complaint in any way.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns