
Reference No:
C DPF/3/222
23 Jul 1886

Ship No. 68720 Name. Venus Letters & No. H892 Owner. John Holmes Skipper. George Arket 2nd Hand. Robert George Cumins 3rd Hand. Ben Wilson

Apprentices on Board.

William Graham - Cook Edward Miller - Cook David Boston - Deck Hand ( never joined )

Memoranda by Skipper.

February 1 1886. We trawled at 12 noon sighted the August Fredrick a German barge flying signals of distress. We found him leaking rapidly and the crew wanted taking out immeadiately. We gave our assistance at once and took the crew out alright. We then went back and found she was making water rapidly - we left her at dark with 12 ft of water in her hold. We then stood by her till 9pm, and then lost sight of her.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns