Sarah Ann

Reference No:
C DPF/3/654
5 Jul 1886

Ship No. 82518 Name. Sarah Ann Letters & No. H1322 Owner. Joseph Board Skipper. Thomas Rogers 2nd Hand. G Turner

Apprentices on Board

J Stephens - Cook

Record of Death or Injury.

George Turner 2nd Hand. January 16th 1886 11.30pm Silver pitts Spurn bearing W about 80 miles. Crushed hand in the capstan. James West 3 Hand.

April 4th 1886 9.30am Spurn bearing W by S about 240 miles. Lost whilst engaged boarding fish through capsizing of boat.

Record of Casualty.

April 4th 1886 Spurn bearing W by S 240 miles. Capsizing and loss of boat. Sea overturning the boat.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns