
Reference No:
C DPF/30/79
30 Jan 1913

Ship No. 108524 Name. Snipe Letter & No. H133 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. T H Malon / G Green / C Foster / G H Leeming 2nd Hand. A Stringfellow Bswn. William Wallace 3rd Hand. R Woollass 4th Hand. J Neal

Record of Death or Injury.

1/12/12 at Sea. Charles Ash, cook Unconscious.

On the 1st of December, I the skipper, came into the galley and the fire was nearly out, so I reprimanded the cook about it and he said he was going to faint, so I sent him on deck in the fresh air. The next time I saw him he had fallen down & was unconscious, so I carried him below and then brought onboard a doctor, we then put him onboard the Hospital Ship. Conveyed to Hull & taken to the Infirmary the

4/12/12 where he died the same day. Medical evidence at the inquest 6/12/12 gave the cause of death as haemorrhage of the brain. Verdict:- Death from natural causes.

Certificates. I hereby certify that an inquest having been held concerning the death of C ASh (cook) and all the necessary papers having been filled in, I am of the opinion that no further investigation is necessary.

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