
Reference No:
C DPF/4/26
25 Jul 1887

Ship No.43819 Name. Swallow Letters & No. H29 Owner. Richard Blanchard Skipper. Henry Harber / John Tibble 2nd Hand. G Moore 4th Hand. J A Brown

Memoranda by Skipper.

I John Tibble , skipper of the smack Swallow hereby certify that the 4th Hand refuses duty on the 15th July. On Saturday 25th June we sailed from Hull about 9 O'clock . Shot with the fleet on the 27th June midnight, when we found the warp parted & it had been cut. Losing the gear & 40 fathoms of warp which was all new.

Record of Casualty. April 22 1887 North Sea . Lost the mizzen sail & mast. Collision with the smack Beatrice of Grimsby. April 17 1887 North Sea. Split our stern & other damage. Collision with the smack Active of Hull. June 26 North Sea. gear & Warpp cut away.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns