
Reference No:
C DPF/5/315
20 Aug 1888

Ship No.73176 Name. Bloodhound Letters & No. H978 Owner. John Gale Skipper. John Gale 2nd Hand. J Whelan 3rd Hand. J Stonehouse 4th Hand. J Courtney

Record of Casualty. February 23rd smack Devon came in collision with our vessel. July 17th Found our trawl warp cut . Suppose by the cook a training lad from the Southampton.

Memoranda by Skipper. After making the entry on page 11 with reference to finding the trawl warp cut, I had reason to believe that it had been done by Joseph Omand my 4th hand- and not by the cook as previously supposed. In consequence as soon as the vessel entered St Andrews Dock pit at Hull on the 12th, I had him arrested, on the following day he was taken before the magistrate who sentenced him to eight weeks imprisonment with hard labour.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns