
Reference No:
C DPF/5/361
3 Aug 1888

Ship No.75347 Name. Stanley Letters & No. H1036 Owner. Pickering & Haldane Skipper. Robert Hairsine 2nd Hand. H M Glansford 3rd Hand. F Smith / Albert Shipley 4th Hand. J T Ashley

Memoranda by Skipper. 3rd Hand wilfully neglecting to keep a proper look out during his watch on the night of 7th February and only by a mercy that the smack was saved from a collision.

Record of Casualty.

16 April 1888 12.40am North Sea. Collision with smack Rover of Grimsby. Neglect of our 3rd Hand Albert Shipley who was on watch at the time.

2 June 1888 North Sea Spurn. Collision with smack Sir G Wolsley H1053 of Hull.

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

Name of person punished -F Smith 3rd hand. Name of person by whom punished R Hairsine master. North Sea February 2 1888 . Self defence dared me twice and then pushed me & refused to obey orders. Struck him in the face, which ended in a general fight. This case was brought before the magistrate at Hull , by the 3rd hand and was settled by the master paying fine 2''10''0 and costs.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns