Good & Blanchard

Reference No:
C DPF/5/45
27 Aug 1888

Ship No.91545 Name.Good & Blanchard Letters & No. H26 Owner.B W Hellyer Skipper. Harry Spence 2nd Hand. James Wroe 3rd Hand. T Wright 4th Hand. A Young

Memoranda by Skipper. 9 March 1888 North Sea. Collided with smack Ben Lomond of Hull carrying away his main boom, no damage to our vessel. When our gear was entangled with that of the Freedom we let go our stopper to clear the Freedom & came into the Ben Lomond.

Record of Casualty. 9 March 1888 North Sea.. Lost our gear. Fouled the gear of smack Freedom & eventually the gear of the smacks Albert and james & Maria all of Hull also got entangled, which caused our fore bridle to part. At the same time whilst fast the James & Maria came into our broadside breaking our rail.

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

Name of person illtreated - William Taylor. Name of person by whom illtreated - H Spence. 22nd June 1888. Taylor annoyed me by his language and in the heat of the moment I struck him, he returned the blow and then it ended in our having a fight. At the Hull Police Court 18th August the skipper H Spence was fined 7/6 and costs for the above assault.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns