
Reference No:
C DPF/5/475
12 Mar 1888

Ship No.79463 Name.Gamekeeper Letters & No. H1198 Owner. R Roach Skipper. Edward Rowse Cobley 2nd Hand. R Gordon 3rd Hand. R Smith 4th Hand. Richard Bess

Memoranda by Skipper.

This is to certify that on Thursday morning November 24 at 4 O'clock. Whilst towing with our boom on the starboard quarter. When a Grimsby smack Sparkling Wave came towing through the fleet on the opposite tack and he caught our gear , he cut our trawl all to pieces.

This is to certify that on Wedenesday the 7 day of December 1887 . While on the fishing ground Spurn bearing W by S, we fouled a Grimsby smack and carried away his mizen mast.

Record of Casualty.

24/11/97 4am North sea./ Cut the trawl. Fouled bu the smack Sparkling Wave of Grimsby.

1/12/87 North Sea. Collision with Grimsby smack.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns