Ben Lomond

Reference No:
C DPF/5/538
16 Jan 1888

Ship No.73422 Name. Ben Lomond Letters & No. H1289 Owner. Thomas Hamling Skipper. Philip Marr 2nd Hand. C Collier

Apprentices on Board.

John W Clarke - 3rd Hand reduced to 4th Hand September 19th. William Fley - Cook left onshore ill September 18th John W Clarke - 4th Hand left on shore injured 27th October. William Fley - Cook rejoined October 28th.

Record of Death or Injury.

John William Clarke 4th Hand. October 25th 1887 North Sea. Jaw fractured by being crushed between the boom & the boat caused by a heavy sea breaking on deck.

Record of Casualty.

September 3rd 1887 North Sea. Collision with smack Malapert of Hull.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns