
Reference No:
C DPF/5/664
27 Aug 1888

Ship No.91388 Name. Freedom Letters & No.H1413 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. T W Dodsworth 2nd Hand. Robert Carter 3rd Hand. Robert Ibson 4th Hand. Walter Precious

Record of Casualty. March 9th 1888 , smacks, Good & Blanchard, James & Maria and Albert towing foul of our gear and parting our warp.

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment. Name of person illtreated - J R Pawlett cook by R Wilson 3rd hand. Assault 29 May in the cabin. Struck while doing duty. Struck & knocked down. Name of person illtreated - R Wilson 3rd Hand by R Carter. Assault 29 May in the cabin. Struck to defend boy ( see above) Struck in the face.

For the above offence Carter & Wilson 2nd & 3rd hands were both fined 5 shillings under clause 3 under the Regulations for Maintaining Discipline. A full list of these regulations for maintaining discipline can be found on page 3 of the crew agreements.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns