
Reference No:
C DPF/6/192
15 Jul 1889

Ship No.65292 Name. Foundling Letter & No. H751 Owner. Richard Loram Skipper. Robert A Cutsforth 2nd Hand. W H Offen 3rd Hand. W J Kirby 4th Hand. A Hall

Memoranda by Skipper.

On the 2nd of June the 3rd hand and the Deck Hand began fighting and would not give over when told. John Cooper who signed above entry was the skipper of another smack & happening to be onboard the vessel at the time visiting witnessed the occurence referred to. Owing to the previous & subsequent good behaviour of W J Kirby & A Hall the 3rd & deck hands. I have overlooked the offence referred to on page 11 here of and do not desire that any punishment or fine should be inflicted.

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment ( pg11) Name of person illtreated W J Kirby 3rd hand by A Hall 4th Hand. Also A Hall 4th Hand illtreated by W J Kirby 3rd Hand. 2nd June 1889. Whilst conversing they disagreed and losing their tempers struck one another which resulted in a fight between them on deck until separated.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns