
Reference No:
C DPF/6/322
15 Jul 1889

Ship No.73157 Name.Devon Letter & No. H950 Owner.W R Leyman Skipper. Henry Smith 2nd Hand.John Hodgkinson 3rd Hand. J Petch 4th Hand. George Adams

Memoranda by Skipper.

Sirs our 4th Hand struck on the 1st March because I the master would not allow him to wear mittens when he was at work and he likewise used some very foul language we had to heave up our trawl clear away the fish and launch our boat and board the fish and when done boarding we had to get the boat in again without him. He turned to again after we had done all the work late on th same day.

On the 14th March the deck hand J W Ogden was sent in to London by the cutter being useless on board the ship as he still refused to work.

Record of Casualty. 4th June 1889 10.30 am North Sea. Smack Gertrude & Ethel of Hull came across our bows.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns