
Reference No:
C DPF/6/774
2 Sep 1889

Ship No.91388 Name. Freedom Letter & No. H1413 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. George Frederick Jackson 2nd Hand. R Carter 3rd Hand. F Harder / George Davison 4th Hand. W Bond / Robert Drewery

Record of Death or Injury.

7th February 1889 6am North Sea. Frank Harder 3rd Hand. Fell overboard and drowned whilst taking down the starboard side- light. he is supposed to have overbalanced himself & thus fallen into the water.

27th March 1889 about 1.30am North Sea. George Davison 3rd hand. Washed overboard by a heavy sea & drowned. Whilst assisting to reef the mizen.

27th March 1889 North Sea. Robert Drewery 4th Hand. Left leg fractured. A heavy sea broke on board and washed him about the deck. ( The same sea which washed the 3rd hand overboard. )

Record of Casualty.

7th february 1889 6am North sea. Lost starboard side light which was lost overboard when Frank Harder was drowned.

27th March 1889. Ten feet of bulwark carried away & 2 skylight windows broken. Shipped a heavy sea.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns