
Reference No:
C DPF/7/360
3 Feb 1890

Ship No. 79037 Name. Imogene Letter & No. H1163 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. W Lancaster / W Kirman / John Henry Morris 2nd Hand. P Rooney 3rd Hand. Robert Stallard 4th Hand. W Nelson

Record of Death or Injury. 27th November 1889 North Sea.John Heny Morris skipper. Drowned whilst standing on the jib - tack lowering the jib the vessel lurched suddenly the jib - tack lifting at the same time, he was thrown over the bow into the water and was never seen again.

Record of Casualty. 27th November 1889 North Sea. Lost the lower jib halyard block. It became detached whilst the jib was in the water, the latter was recovered.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns