
Reference No:
C DPF/7/367
23 Jan 1890

Ship No. 79434 Name. Puzzler Letter & No. H1174 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. John Worrall 2nd Hand. W Whittleton 3rd Hand. R Link 4th Hand. H Welch

Record of Casualty. November 12 1889. Came into collision with the smack Albert 1005 while both with our trawls down.

Memoranda by Skipper.

September 8th 1889 at 4.30am. While engaged in putting fish into boat the mate Walter Whittleton used very bad language to me saying that I wanted throwing overboard simply because I used precautions to prevent loss of life. When I told deck hand Henry Welch I should want him as witness he used very bad language to me also.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns