
Reference No:
C DPF/7/444
3 Feb 1890

Ship No. 82462 Name. Chancellor Letter & No. H1254 Owner. R Hellyer Skipper. Charles Edward Boyce / E Andrews 2nd Hand. John Peak 3rd Hand. C Smith 4th Hand. H Pearson

Record of Death or Injury.

August 8th. J Peak 2nd hand, broken right arm by a small warp breaking. Taken onboard the mission ship the same day. He remained onboard the mission ship about 8 days, returned on board our vessel & was sent home via London. Has now been at sea about a month.

Memoranda by Skipper.

J Peak, our 2nd hand being injured on the 8th August as reported & in consequence transferred to the mission ship, sent in to the owner for another , but the voyage being half over and most certificated men being at sea, the owner could not obtain a certificated 2nd hand to come out. J Warren was sent who did not possess a certificate . I then promoted C Smith to 2nd hand and engaged Warren as 3rd.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns