
Reference No:
C DPF/7/703
30 Jan 1890

Ship No. 68651 Name. Striver Letter & No.H786 Owner. C E Ward Skipper. J W Cartwright 2nd Hand. J Eagleton 3rd Hand. G Earles 4th Hand. N Anderson

Record of Death or Injury. 25th December 1889 at Sea. J W Cartwright skipper, ankle injured with engine whilst trying to start it.

Memoranda by Skipper.

On the 26th December , I went on board the Mission ship, to have my injuries dressed , with the intention of at once returning to my own vessel. When I got on board, it was thought advisable for me to remain about 2 days. I therefore decided to do so, and left my 2nd hand Thomas William Hoodin charge of my vessel. Within the next 2 or 3 days , and whilst I was still on the mission ship, it got separated from the fleet and we were not able to find it for about 16 days. In consequence my 2nd hand was unavoidably left in charge of the Striver for nearly 3 weeks.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns