Blue Bell

Reference No:
C DPF/8/15
28 Oct 1891

Ship No. 93099 Name. Blue Bell Letter & No.H11 Owner. Richard Roach Skipper. James Hayes / John H Hunter 2nd Hand. J B Merriman 3rd Hand. J W Parkinson / Andrew Newton 4th Hand. G Witt

Record of Death or Injury.

June 8th 1891 North Sea. Andrew Newton 3rd hand. Whilst helping to shoot the gear he became entangled around his right leg & fractured it. No damage to the vessel.

9 June 1891 St Andrews Dock Hull. Thomas Kirk cook. Coming through the lock pit, the stern rope became tight & pulled the cavil off knocking Kirk up against the winch bit , and slightly injuring his left knee.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns