
Reference No:
C DPF/8/293
23 Feb 1891

Ship No. 73153 Name. Pink Letter & No. H945 Owner. J Bell Skipper. William Robert Hall / C Eastwood 2nd Hand. William Crowder 3rd Hand. William Heron 4th Hand. C Solway

Apprentices on Board.

Louis Smith - Cook under special agreement sigend 8/10/90. Terminated 25/11/90.

Record of Casualty.

9 February 1891 9.30 pm River Humber. Carried away our bowsprit. We were lying at anchor & a steamer name & port of registry unknown, outward bound came across our bows & then at once steamed away.

Memoranda by Skipper.

Hull 30/9/90. Owing to illness W S Crowder was on the 9th sent to Hull by smack Sir Joseph of this port, by mutual consent. The vessel was then worked without a 2nd hand up to the time of arriving in Hull on the 29th.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns