
Reference No:
C DPF/8/546
11 Feb 1891

Ship No. 82522 Name. Calliope Letter & No. H1331 Owner. John Holmes Skipper. Christopher Royal / Joseph Watson 2nd Hand. F Purvis 3rd Hand. A W Jackson

Apprentices on Board. Alfred Kirby - 3rd Hand transferred to Proserpine 19/7/90. Joseph Brockwell - Deck Hand transferred o Hebe. William Millington - Cook Edgar Heritage - Cook transferred to Neptune 4/1/91 James H Royal - Cook under special agreement signed 28/7/90. 4/11/90 agreement mutually cancelled.

Record of Death or Injury.

1 November 1890 about 12 noon. North Sea. Christopher Royal skipper. We were towing our gear when it came fast at the bottom. The skipper was making the guy fast when the warp flew off striking him first on the left leg & the second time on the ribs. Knocked him into the engine room funnel causing fracture of two ribs & severe bruises to the leg.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns