
Reference No:
C DPF/8/560
22 Jul 1891

Ship No. 82537 Name. Fortuna Letter & No. H1344 Owner. John Holmes Skipper. Dimmock Barkworth / H cooke 2nd Hand. S Hooper

Apprentices on Board.

John William Barker - 3rd Hand term expired June 11 1891. William Robert Barkworth - Deck Hand transferred to Pomona 20/5/91 William Beale - Cook absconded 27/8/91 William Millington - Cook left ashore to be transferred to another vessel 25/3/91. Ernest C Williams - Cook under special agreement joined 25/3/91. Terminated 18/7/91.

Record of Casualty.

26 February 1891 12.30 noon North Sea. Lost our fishing gear & 1 fathom of warp. Coming fast to a wreck.

19 March 1891 3am Lost our fishing gear & 20 fathoms of warp. Warp parted through coming fast to the bottom.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns