Garnett Bros

Reference No:
C DPF/8/622
22 Jan 1891

Ship No. 88174 Name. Garnett Bros. NB, see also Garnett Brothers. Letter & No. H1390 Owner. J W Dugdall Skipper. Thomas Riley 2nd Hand. J Canavan 3rd Hand. William Mycroft / Henry Anderson

Record of Death or Injury. 27 October 1890 6.30am North Sea. Henry Anderson 3rd hand. Right leg severely injured by being entangled & crushed between the warp & barrel of capstan whilst assisting to heave the gear.

Record of Casualty. Lost our fishing gear & 30 fathoms of warp. Had to cut it away in order to extricate Andersons leg.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns