
Reference No:
C DPF/8/715
25 Jan 1891

Ship No. 91429 Name. Unity Letter & No. H1455 Owner. F & T Ross Skipper. Isaac Faulkner / William Jenkins 2nd Hand. James Nicholson 3rd Hand. G C Grimwood/ F Schofield 4th Hand. A R Simon / G Barr

Record of Illtreatment or Punsihment.

28 October 1890 North Sea. Name of person illtreated - G Barr 4th Hand by F Schofield 3rd Hand. Struck him in the eye with his fist whilst heaving the boat inboard. Schofield accused Barr of not assisting properly , and on Barr replying that he was, Schofield struck him.

Entry by Mercantile Marine Office.

For the assault referred to on page 11 F Schofield has been fined 5/- under regulation 3 for maintaining discipline ( printed on page 3 of this agreement.) and this amount has been paid into the Mercantile Marine Office at Hull this date 1st December 1890.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns