Blue Bell

Reference No:
C DPF/9/12
26 Jan 1892

Ship No. 93099 Name. Blue Bell Letter & No. H11 Owner. R Roach Skipper. Thomas Senior / H Lyons 2nd Hand. G Hairsine 3rd Hand. E Sanderson / Thomas Stowe 4th Hand. S Feltham

Record of Death or Injury. 5th December Thomas Stowe 3rd Hand, at about 11am while boarding , a sea struck causing the boat to capsize. Caused the loss of the 3rd hand.

Record of Casualty.

19th August 7am the foremast was carried away.

5/12/91. Lost our boat, life buoy & a pair of oars. Boat capsized when leaving the cutter after boarding the fish.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns