
Reference No:
C DPF/9/506
29 Aug 1892

Ship No. 77511 Name. Dewdrop NB, see also Dew Drop. Letter & No. H1200 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. John Chesterman / Thomas D Bird 2nd Hand. W Myroft 3rd Hand. F Myroft 4th Hand. T Sheperdson

Record of Casualty. 22/1/92 North Sea. Collision with Liberator.

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

11th May 1892 North Sea. Name of person illtreated - Martin Ohara, by W Jackson. Whilst we were heaving our gear I saw Jackson deliberately & without any apparent cause strike Ohara a blow in the face with his fist.

Memoranda by Skipper.

For the assault referred to on page 11, the 2nd hand W jackson, was fined 10/- under regulation 3 for maintaining discipline printed on page 3 here of, which amount was paid into the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine at Hull on the 30th day of June last.

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