Miscellaneous volume of statistics

Reference No:
C DSHO/2/42

A - Financial details - General account - annual income, expenditure and Impersonal ledger for the same period, Building account - analysis of income 1866-1878 also details of expenditure on buildings, heating, fittings and furniture, and details of expenditure regarding Hesslewood 1920-1932, Endowment account anaylsis of income and expenditure on endowment account, Church collections details of how much money was raised in particular churches 1866-1933, Thomas Porter equipment fund, Travelling agents statements 1879-1932, Investments 1866-1909, Costs of maintenance for 1868-1926 for children from Grimsby, Lincolnshire, Goole and district and Beverley and district, receipts from Beverley and Grimsby for the period 1864-1933 are also given, Cost of motor, repairs and petrol 1920-1922, and insurance details showing various insurance policies and when they were taken out, "Alliance" and "Commercial Union" policies 1921-1922, and details of Hesslewood fire insurance.

B - Administrative details - Annual meetings: a table showing the date and place of the AGM and where the annual reports were printed 1854-1933, Annual reports details of how may copies were printed, by which firm and how much the cost 1866-1933, Voting papers 1866-1922 a table showing how many voting papers were printed, by who and how much they cost and the number of candidates applying for admission to the orphanage, election and admission statistics 1866-1922 showing the percentage of candidates (and those admitted) who were orphans of seamen, fathers occupations and analysis of occupations of fathers of children admitted to the orphanage 1866-1922, Special resolution admissions, particulars of boys and girls who were admitted on payment or who were elected by special resolution 1868-1920, War and pensionable orphans 1917-1933, Obituary 1873-1930 tables giving details of childrens deaths including their age, cause of death and where they are buried, Outside branch 1909-1932 details of admissions and withdrawals and fathers occupations, chronological history of the orphanage 1853-1933, chronological list of staff 1866-1923, staff salary, and Founders day rewards 1867-1933 table naming the head boy and girl and the number of prizes awarded each year including medals, books and workboxes.

Archive Item
Hull City Archives
The Records of the Hull Seamens and General Orphanage