Aged Seafarers Ltd

Reference No:

After the Second World War, the Society became aware of a new need. There was a growing number of seafarers, who, because of advancing years and infirmity, were no longer employable. An 'ad hoc' committee (later known as the Aged Seafarers' Committee) for Aged Seafarers Accomodation was set up in 1960 to consider a draft scheme for the provision of accomodation for aged seafarers and their widows. In 1966 the Society decided to form a new company to be known as 'Aged Seafarers Homes Ltd' with the main objective of taking over the management of the Aged seafarers' homes in various ports, especially the fishing ports of Hull, Grimsby, South Shields, Lowestoft and Fleetwood where deprivation seemed most severe. The reason for the formation of a separate company of this nature was to assist in obtaining grants from Local Authorities. By Jan 1969 they oversaw the running of 9 homes for aged seafarers but by 1979 only two remained, one at each of the ports of Hull and South Shields. The old sick bay at Newland was converted into aged seafarers accommodation and was officially opened in Nov 1978 by the Society's President, Lord Halifax, as 'Captain Allison House' in honour of an old scholar and Society Board member (in 1979 Captain Allison became Honorary Director and a Vice President of the Society). Another home was officially opened by Lord Halifax in Jun 1982 at James Reckitt House on the Newland estate but was closed down on 8th Dec 1993.

The houses were run on the lines of the Abbeyfield Society which pioneered this special type of service in the 1960's in South East London. The main principle was to provide accomodation, with a certain amount of care and supervision, for the aged and lonely. The houses were generally quite ordinary; in ordinary streets with accomodation for between 4 and 7 people. The weekly charge covered rent, rates and insurance of an unfurnished room, food, heating, cooking and light, housekeeping items and house laundry, repairs and renewals. A housekeeper was employed in each establishment and was responsible for providing two main meals each day.

Aged Seafarers homes were acquired at:

117 Boulevard, Hull opened Mar 1961 and closed c. 1978 when accomodation on the Newland estate was converted into Aged Seafarers Homes

119 Boulevard, Hull opened Dec 1963 and closed c. 1978 when accomodation on the Newland estate was converted into Aged Seafarers Homes

121 Boulevard, Hull opened Jul 1965 and closed c. 1978 when accomodation on the Newland estate was converted into Aged Seafarers Homes

38 Milton Street, Fleetwood opened Sep 1965 and closed c. 1973

170 Park Street, Grimsby opened Dec 1964

174 Park Street, Grimsby opened Oct 1966

9 Grosvenor Road, Lowestoft opened Oct 1964 and closed c. 1976

18 Baring Street, South Shields opened Oct 1966

20 Baring Street, South Shields opened May 1964

3 bundles, 5 folders, 1 volume, 4 items
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Hull City Archives
The Records of the Sailors' Children's Society