Muster Roll File 24

Reference No:
2 Oct 1840-31 Dec 1840

Fair copy single sheet format file arranged into groups corresponding to port at which individual Muster Rolls were submitted by shipmasters. These groups are then arranged chronologically by date of receipt of payments made by shipmasters.

Information relating to the following is provided in most cases: Ship name; Ship master's name and place of abode; Ship's tonnage; Port sailed from; Port arrived into. Information relating to individual crewmen is provided in most cases under following headings: Name; Age; Place of birth; Place of abode; First ship and master served with; When and where entered current ship; When and where discharged, run, or killed; When and where injured or wounded; Number of months and days on board ship. Entries also record the amount of money received by the Collector and the date on which this was received.

Archive Item
1 file (367 pieces)
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Hull City Archives
Trinity House Muster Rolls